primary Family # (as defined by Lowe) - mtDNA haplotype - any additional haplotypes
family subdivision # (Tap Root mare)
PF horse name, sex ((stud and mare are breedable, colt and filly are not - regardless of age, active racers will be listed as colt/filly))
**Additional notes/comments
---Generally the first haplotype listed will be the only one for that family, though some families do have multiple haplotypes. If 2 or more haplotypes are listed [#] will designate if that haplotype belongs with a different family. ex. Family 1 has 2 haplotypes, the first is the correct type while the second belongs to a different family.
Discrepencies in mtDNA haplotypes are mostly because a female ancestor was incorrectly recorded. It should be noted that some haplotypes belong to multiple familes (primarily due to common ancestress that was lost to time), though it is generally one type-one family. See respective **comments for additional information.